Happy 1st Birthday Maycie
Well it has officially happened, my little baby girl has turned ONE!!! So crazy just how fast time flies. It definitely does not feel like it has been a year since I had this little tiny, new born baby in my arms feeling scared to death that I did not know what to do and how to take care of her. Well.....we made it through. We have had our bad times (the first 6 months of her colicky stage and none stop crying) and the last 6 months of the greatest time of our lives. Aaron and I are so blessed to have this amazing little girl to share our lives with. She has done nothing but melt our hearts this past year. We love her so much and can't wait to see what she has in store for us this next year of her life.
Grandma and Grandpa Jeffs present!
She could not get over the box.

Daddy and Mayc giving loves.
Had to just stick this one in here, not the best of me but
Mayc looks so dang cute!!!! As you can see, loves the
camera (LOL!)

Went to Pei Wei for lunch, soooo delicious.
Mayc of course choose, she's got great taste.
Uncle Ryan joined us.

Such a mischievous look on her face.
Love the finger sucking.
Grandma and Grandpa Hill stopped by and dropped
off a present. The cutest swim suit and Fisher Price
Rolling phone. She loves it, Thanks you guys.
Grandpa trying to steal a kiss. She is very
stingy about her kisses.

So cute of her and Grandma.
Then it was time for mom and dads presents. She loved this singing light up band, she is so funny because she knows how to dance and so she would push the instruments and dance but look around to make sure EVERYBODY was watching her. Where in the world would she get that from???? ( Hahahaha) Must be her dad.
Just hanging out and playing with all her toys. All in all she had such a great first birthday. Thank you to everyone who called and came to visit, we love all of you and can't thank you enough!!!