Last Saturday my mom, sister and sister-in-law threw me a baby shower and it was so much fun. I got so many cute baby clothes, diapers, breast pump (thanks mom), car seat and stroller (thanks mom-in-law), gift certificates (thanks whit) and so much more.
We had so much fun food..salads, salsa, rolls, fruit and cute cupcakes. Thanks to Mom and Mandy.

Mandy, me, Mom and Whit.

Me and my wonderful mother.

These are the great ladies that I teach with.
Terri, Emily, Norma Jean, me and Anndee
My high school girls.
Cara, Ais, Meg, me, Jaque, Tiff and Jen

Thank you to all who came to support me and Maycie. We are so excited to have her and can't wait till July 5th!!!!